Planting a seed
For years, I grew up helping my mother in her garden. Fascinated with the flowers, the vegetables and the beauty that she tended, yet never understanding what labor and love went into creating that beauty. Decades later, I married a King and we relocated to Colorado Springs, where he deployed to Afghanistan one month after we moved into our first home. My mother arrived for overall support and hours later, we started on my first four raised garden beds, made from wooden scraps, given to me by my father-in-law. We spent hours pick-axing the lifeless, hard, clay ridden earth; adding nutrients as we went. I poured many hours into those garden beds, that year. Thankful to put my focus on creating life, instead of placing worry on things I couldn't change. Only growing the simple basics of tomatoes, squash and beans, I learned the sacrifice, the labor and the love that went into the gardens my mother tended when I was a child.

Growing a garden
Soon, I began to graduate into growing culinary and medicinal herbs and flowers, combining the hand-dried florals into herbal infusions; steeping and tasting, finding the best collections of flavors and blending those with others, per their medicinal and supplemental properties.

This journey has been a delightful, yet heartbreaking challenge, learning how and what to grow at 6300' at the base of this spectacular mountain range in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Our weather extremes include destructive hail, torrential, flooding rains, startling early and late frosts to bone dry, rainless weeks that include fire danger temperatures. These weather anomalies have pushed us each year to uncover more efficient ways to protect our hard work. With the amazing support of my family, we've continued to thrive and we are beyond thankful. Now, due to the business expanding, I grow herbs simply for our family and all of our ingredients for the shop are sought out from certified organic distributors and hand-blended in small batches.

After my husband returned from deployment and finished out his military career, we started our own family and the concept of providing my homegrown herbal tea infusions to more than just family and friends, began to form. After 5 years of blending teas for our small circle, The Queen's TEApothecary was launched on August 8, 2015. Since then, our products are now found in several shops in Parker, Fairplay, Pueblo and Colorado Springs, on Etsy and here on our website.

The Passion
The Queen's TEApothecary developed from a desire to provide those close to me, safe, alternative remedies to Western medicine and to bring light into dark places, offering immunity boosters, calming blends and internal strength builders. In no way do I assume the place of a doctor, but growing and blending my own herbal tea, allowed me to assist others in hopes of them feeling more whole than before. I felt lost and in my darkest hour, this Garden brought me back. I want to enlighten others of the love and the tender care provided to them, as one would delicately hand-make, love and care for a Queen's Garden.

~ Mandalyn King ~
"The Queen"

The Basics
Our premium, handcrafted teas are met with elegant and shabby chic, yet rustic touches that are designed, printed and applied with an artist's eye. Each tag is printed and hand~cut, encouraging a delicate & handmade feel. We welcome additions to add a personal touch. Let us personalize a message for you to add to your tea gift, adding a tailored and customized style.

Our ingredients are certified organic, gluten free and sugar free. All of our are artisan handcrafted in small batches to preserve freshness. We welcome custom and personalized orders.

Contact us to put together an elegant, handmade gift or memorable event favor!