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Taste the quality of a small, unique bouTEAque

Organic Teas + Tisanes made in small batches...

  • "I love the Queen's TEApothecary. I always find exactly what I need. From loose herbs to amazing blends of teas and soaps...Best place to shop. If you need an amazing and unique gift set, definitely get it here. I always get compliments when I show up with a Queen's gift!" - M. Bachman

  • "Very good selection, and some amazing customer service. Would definitely recommend if you are a tea nerd like me."

    - K. Morgan

  • "Lovely tea blends with high quality ingredients! They even single herbs available, which I love. Prices are very fair. The young lady that has helped me was delightful!" - B. Hodgen


Want to host a Workshop or be a Vendor?

Host a Workshop

Want to host a workshop or class at our beau-TEA-ful table down on The Avenue in Historic Old Colorado City? We can seat up to 10 people during-business hours and can seat up to 18 people after-business hours in our quaint, late 1800's built - historical location, boasting original hardwood floors, rustic brick walls and a 13.5' tall - chandelier lit, gold ceiling. 

Fill out the application here : Host a Workshop

Want Tea Service during your event? Ask us how! 

Host your next class at The Queen's TEApothecary located at 2504 W. Colorado Avenue in Historic Old Colorado Springs - submit your Workshop or Class application now!

Contact us at (719) 313-9904 or thequeensteapothecary@gmail.com 

Be a Permanent Vendor

Do you make beautiful things? Do your handcrafted items align with the same aesthetic of The Queen's TEApothecary? Are they organic, handcrafted, tea-themed, vintage or beau-TEA-fully upcycled? Our company accepts artists/vendors on a commission basis and we would LOVE to show off your beau-TEA-ful things! Please complete the Vendor Application for evaluation to see if you would be a good fit!  

We can offer our quaint, late 1800's built - historical location, boasting original hardwood floors, rustic brick walls and a 13.5' tall - chandelier lit, gold ceiling on the bustling, West Colorado Avenue in Historical Old Colorado City in Colorado Springs at 2504 W. Colorado Avenue - submit your Vendor Application now!

Contact us at (719) 313-9904 or thequeensteapothecary@gmail.com 

Be a Pop-Up Vendor

Your Business, Our Products

High quality loose leaf teas and essential, bespoke accessories you can be proud of. Contact us for our wholesale list and find which products are best for your business

Wholesale Inquiry

We are Hiring!

We are growing and are looking for another tea supporter to fill our Sales Floor Position.

Are you the perfect fit? Submit your application!


Thank you to our customers for all of your continued support! You make this small business dream a reality. Without you, we would not be able to continue to cultivate this beauTEAful company. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. - Mandalyn King

Learn more about our story